Monday, 30 March 2020

Nature carrys on......

As I went for my one lot of exercise for the day I decided to do a cycle round the country lanes nearby and I was completely awed by some new lambs in a field.  Life was just as usual for those animals.  After that as I continued to cycle I noticed all the primroses, daffodils and many other flowers popping up.  It struck me that in these uncertain and strange times when many things are changing and for many of us it might feel like life has died.  Nature has not, it continues as always, things are starting to turn green, flowers are growing and new life continues, there is hope an expectation for something new.  Thank goodness God is the same yesterday, today and forever and we can enjoy his handiwork continuing to live around us.  Keep going everyone! (Sorry there is no picture of the lambs....I was so busy watching them I didn't think to take a picture!)

Sunday, 15 March 2020

We are the helpers

Since writing the last blog, things around us seem all the more surreal and worrying. It is hard to know how to deal with the barrage of information that is hurtling towards us. It is hard to know how best to support people both physically and mentally. When I last wrote I used  a quote that talked about when things were bad and scary that we needed to look for those people that were helpers. I wonder if we are the helpers?
What has been very much on my mind is how we at the Ark, can respond responsibly at this time to those people within our communities that need support and care within the coming months. I feel that we are being asked to respond in both practical and prayerful ways, to help those who are more vulnerable or at risk. I wonder if it is a time to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities, in whatever capacity that looks like. I wonder what we can do to shine love into the darkness and offer words of hopefulness in a time of uncertainty.
If you feel that you could join us to offer practical support or prayer please do get in touch.
If you are feeling scared, isolated, bewildered or overwhelmed - we are here for you! You matter!

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

When things seemed overwhelming

It never amazes me to see how God speaks to me and this particular day was no different.

At the end of last week I sat feeling quite overwhelmed with all that was going on in the news, it got to me and my perspective was a bit wobbly to say the least.
I wandered into my kitchen and ripped off the page of our day to day calendar, this was the page that was revealed to me! Now I do not know who Fred Rogers is but it could not have come at a better timed moment and restored some perspective and calmness, and for that I am thankful. When the media seem to report only the worst of news - it helps me to be reminded that none of us are ever alone.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

As I sat and wondered at an amazing sunset I began to realise that everyone was welcome to enjoy this beautiful sight given to us.  It is not just for a particular group of people but for everyone who chooses to watch.  No one is forced it is a choice, this beautiful sight is there and we can choose to accept this free gift or hide away.  Everyone is welcome...........